Sunday, December 24, 2006

Now I've been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is Why must we go on hating, why can't we live in bliss Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train...Who would have guessed that Cat Stevens would have written my favorite Christmas Carol this season and renew my desire to work for Viata??

I have found tears in my eyes much more easily during this advent season. Darfur, Iraq, Lupeni, New many places and hearts so full of hurt and so little peace- The World goes not well.
Anytime anyone speaks of peace, I find my cheeks wet and my mind frustrated- what can I do? How do I jump on the peace train?

Christmas is about hope- ridiculous, unlikely hope. Hope that was realized in an illegitimate baby, by a rejected couple, three eclectic astrologists, and a handful of dirty hermits. Typical. I've always been surprised at how magical Christmas eve seems, and I don't think it has anything to do with the calendar date. I think the magic comes from people being more open to God's love in their lives. They put down their swords and their walls for one day and believe in peace and hope. As in World War I, they climb out of their trenches to sing Silent Night, and for that moment, all is calm and bright.

Get your bags together, go bring your good friends too Cause it's getting nearer, it soon will be with you
Now come and join the living, it's not so far from you And it's getting nearer, soon it will all be true...
So how do I keep that moment alive? reading the Viata research makes me more hopeful than ever- this stuff actually works! Lives are being changed, people are joining the living! it may take me time to get there, but if God would deem me worthy, I WILL be an instrument of peace and hope to others- I will ride that peace train all the way to Romania and back again. The world goes not well, but the kingdom comes. May it be so in my heart.

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep, God is not dead nor does he sleep the wrong shall fail the right prevail with peace on earth goodwill to men. Amen.

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