Thursday, November 30, 2006

Good News! I received an email from Dana (the director and co-founder of New Horizons) this week telling me that he wanted to change his estimate of how much I would need. In addition to plane tickets, he said to figure $300 a month plus $500 on top of that. That brings the total way down to $4500! So I am about a third of the way there. I am hoping now to leave in February, and it seems so much more doable. As we say at La Vida: PTL (Praise the Lord).

I have also been reading more about Service Learning and Social Capital theories- New Horizons bases its programs on these ideas. They are both phenomenally refreshing and give so much hope for today's youth. My excitement for this endeavor and my opportunities over there grow with every article I read. You all must be praying! Thank you.

Please Check out these Adobe files- they load quickly
Article on Youth Service and its efficacy around the world
Booklet on Effective Youth Programs in the Balkans (Viata starts on p.23)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad i found your blog! check out think it's still up. anyway, it documents some of our adventures. i am excited that you are headed over and it's actually happening!! you will love it. i think about my time there a lot.