Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Often I talk about how our foundation is so quirky, they'd make a great sitcom, especially on the backs of Arrested Dev't and The Office. So today, during another meeting where everyone started arguing loudly in Romanian, too fast for me to understand, I described the cast list. I have tried not to exaggerate anything because these people are so funny on their own. All the characters are Romanian unless indicated. This is my life.
The Office: Fundatia Chapter. Cast:

Dana: (American..kind of)- started the Fundatia nine years ago. Is a scholar, a visionary, and an enormous exagerater. He loves telling stories- like the time we had a foreign volunteer support meeting where all we did was listen to Dana talk about his college roommate who could fart on command by breathing through his butt, and the time he pooped on Dana's floor...

Vali- the nicest guy you could ever meet but often makes explicit and inappropriate sex jokes

Moni- Vali's wife. Super sweet, kind of holds the Fundatia together. However spends half her time chasing around their daughter Bubu.

Bubu- two years old. Life objective is to have fun while creating havoc in the office. Send imaginary faxes, takes bites out of your lunch and puts it back, colors in Australia on the wall map, etc.

Alin- typical awkward computer guy. You know him.

Katie- American, the cute girl. All the guys have crushes on her, but she has no idea she’s cute.

Daniel and Janelle- they would be the center of my sitcom. They are an American Canadian couple who volunteers here- in charge of all the abroad programs here, taking care of bills, paperwork etc. In some ways, they along with moni and ilie hold the fundatia together. They are often the voice of reason in this crazy world.

Ilie- the hero, in a way. Whenever everything goes wrong, Ilie flies in, makes a few phone calls and solves everything. He is completely bicultural and often uses American phrases like “chillax” and “bling” He is the Michael from arrested development. Always trying to do the right thing and being frustrated by his surroundings.

Jamie- bitter Peace Corps volunteer. Finished his time here in July and until then told me about how depressing this place is. Isn’t around much.

Victor- volunteer from Germany, came here to avoid compulsory military participation. Wears lots of Hawaiian shirts. Is in charge of movie nights and likes to show African American comedies with sweaty sex scenes to elementary schoolers who have never seen a black person. Victor left in September when he ran away to live with one of our youth group kids.

And the newest addition: Tiberiu- Slightly chauvinist Seventh Day adventist whose goal seems to be to live out the gospel by obsessively cleaning every inch of space owned by the fundatia, and teaching Bubu "responsibility". Bubu isn't buying into this idea and responds by unwrapping all the candies in the bowl and strewing them in front of Tiberiu....

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