Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My christmas: Late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, the Bates picked me up and we went to our Orthodox Chruch on a hill in our city. We sat in our long coats and hats (no heat)- the first time I've sat in the church. We rubbed our hands and stamped our feet to keep warm with a dozen others, waiting for the children to sing their carols. They all clamor up and sing three carols that are now familiar to me, thanks to Brandi's album. Father Ciocan arrived and after him, his son Felix dressed as Moș Craciun. The excited kids sang their carols again and formed a line to receive their gifts (afte, of course, reciting a poem to Moșu) Briana was summoned by the slightly scary santa, but didnt know any Romanian poems, so instead that sweet tiny girl sang the romanian happy birthday at the top of her tiny lungs. It certainly felt as if the multitude of saints looking down from the iconostasis smiled a bit more at this dear girls singing happy birthday in their church. During the adult carols, the church i love so much seemed to glow a bit more wondrously as Felix doled out adult goody bags as well. After chruch we were herded to father Ciocanțs house to pack into their kitchen with the choir, around the table full of clementines, țuica and cookies. After our mouths were sfficiently stuffed, our livers pickled, and our cheeks kissed, we headed home. But not empty handed- they handed us the romanian version of fruitcake: a jiggly bowl of ground up animal feet with slabs of fat suspended in garlic jello. yikes.
Bedtime was late and morning came quickly enough. I heard Briana clamoring down the stairs and joined her. We opened our stockings- I got a chocolate priest! With longstaying surprise visitors and a late breakfast, opening gifts took about six hours!! Briana is the perfect age- loves Christmas but takes her time with each gift, as if it were her only one. Ive never seen such an empty tree, but I've never felt so rich. We took a predinner hike and my family called. For the first time, i was on the receiving end of the pass-around-the-phone- call. I think this is the most content I've ever felt on December 26. Maybe it's because I had no expectations- no way to be let down. I hope I keep a piece of this Christmas in every one to follow

1 comment:

Nikki said...

i love the picture of your stocking!!
your christmas sounds charming... almost enchanted.
i am enamored by the idea of a whole new and different christmas with no expectations. it really seems like you embraced it.