Thursday, September 20, 2007

What's a girl gotta do to get a pumpkin around here??
So I have noticed Pumpkin vines with round orange balls of happiness hanging from them in everyone's backyards, but never for sale in the market. It has been frustrating- what's autumn without pumpkins?? So the other day, I was with the students out in the country, visint a very old church. In the driveway is an ancient Dacia (think VW Rabbit, but crappier) FULL of pumkins. This is it, I say to Janelle, we are getting one. So Janelle and I are determined to get our hands on those fruits of fall. We ask the boy who lives their and he laughs at us, no no, those are for pigs, he tells us in Romanian. Not looking good. So I go into the church and when I come out, Janelle has worked magic and the little boy is carrying five pumpkins to us. I flip Romanian, I tell him he has made me very happy and this is the best day ever. He just laughs at me. We ask how much they cost, and they ignore us. Finally the caretaker tells us we can buy the boy a chocolate bar. Good deal I'd say. So I bought a bunch of pumpkins out of the back of a car at a 300 yr old church for a Chocolate bar. Good times.


donna moore said...

Davia - that is to funny !! I was thinking about getting some pumpkins for here . It was so much fun carving them last year . Maybe you should carve yours - you could start a new fad in Romania. Have fun on your Transylvanian hike - Love you and MISS !! you tons - Aunt Donna

Anonymous said...

Hi friend ... if I could send you a pumpkin I would, but it would probably just get confiscated by the postal nazis ... I miss you and think about you all the time.