Thursday, April 10, 2008

Debriefing vs. Processing

So, I'm back. I have been for about a week. And I've jumped right back into the LaVida world.

Last night in La Vida training,
we learned about the difference between debriefing and process (most of us didn't know there was a difference). Apparanetly, debriefing is the post- experience talking you do that addresses what exactly happened and sometimes, how you feel about it. Processing is when you talk about how you will transfer whatever you learned from the wilderness in the real world. This is valuable knowledge for me at this point because I can see that distinction in my thinking about the past year.

I am definitely still in the "debriefing" phase of my thought process. I'm trying to transition into the processing- to understand what my experiences in Romania will mean for my life here. But that process is overwhelming, so I only take little baby steps into the processing realm and then run back into my debriefing safemode.
And for now, I think that's ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's your cell phone now??? I miss you .. and haven't talked to you in forever!!!!!