Friday, December 21, 2007

So this is Christmas...
My first Christmas away from home and New England, and here's a taste of it. Yes, this year I have traded the sounds of salvation army bells and Elvis singing blue Christmas for the sounds of early morning pig slaughters and traditionally dressed carolers walking the streets of my city. It's true that at times I miss my family, close friends and beloved New England so very much. But at the same time I am so fascinated by the rich culture that comes out in its finest during this season. People are not afraid to cling to traditions and superstitions, and to show them off to anyone they encounter! Every city and village that you drive through is decked with out with lights, light arrangements that put my dear Boston to shame! There are cut open pigs hanging everywhere, and people on the bus carrying christmas trees in burlap sacks. The most fascinating sight for me has been the colindători: the carolers. I haven't yet seen the mobs of them that I am to expect on Christmas Eve and until Epiphany, but I have seen groups of two or three, dressed in traditional costume, carrying icon-flower arrangments and brightly decorated tambourines. They walk the streets singing (usually with help from a healthy amount of țuică) and people invite them in for wine or's so cool.
This is definitely what I predict I will miss the most about Romania- the unashamed dedication to cultural traditions, linking themselves to the past, and to the land. I love that I can dance many different folk dances, knowing what they mean and where in Romania they are from. I can easily identify the folk costumes of my region. I know what foods come from what area, and why. I just love it. It definitely has given me a desire to know more American historical culture and keep it alive. At least I already love bluegrass and swing dancing :)

1 comment:

Allison and Daniel said...

merry christmas. enjoy this blessed christmas. i love hearing of your holiday adventures.